Sep 24, 2022
VOT Research Desk
A Glance on History
In Tom Wolfe’s renowned paper about the 1970s, “The Me Decade,” he expounded on how Americans had deserted shared speculation for privately invested money. “They took their cash and ran,” he composed.
There wasn’t a lot of cash to take, as a matter of fact.
Today, with the securities exchange in implosion mode, glancing back at different seasons of monetary burden: The Incomparable Downturn of 2008-2009 is regular. The blasting tech bubble in 2000. The accident of 1987, never mind 1929 — and every kind of little slumps and glimmer in the middle between.
The one that gives me the most incredibly fear is the long, soul-sucking trudge somewhere in the range of 1966 and 1982 — as such, the 1970s. The financial exchange went all over and all over, yet eventually, went totally no place for a very long time (see underneath.)